API Request

  • This class conforms to APIRequestType and provides some more functionality of its own specific to Usher Server APIs. Use this along with UsherAPITask to make calls to Usher Server API endpoints.



    public class UsherAPIRequest : APIRequestType
  • An APIRequestConfigurationType that configures API requirements for the Usher Server either by providing an UsherAPITask at initialization or initializing with a server and device instance. This class will also automatically configure other properties required by the Usher Server such as access token, location, device and OS info, locale, timezone and time.



    public struct UsherAPIRequestConfiguration : APIRequestConfigurationType
  • A closure provided by the type conforming to APIRequestConfigurationType protocol. This will be called by APIRequest with raw URLResponse so the implementor has a opportunity to parse, restructure and make better sense of the response if necessary.



    public typealias CustomResponseDeserializer = (Request, Data?) -> [String : String]